Today I had:

A chicken sandwich:400

Two cookies:65 calories
Fruit: 100 calories
Nut, fruit mix: 70

Chiken sandwitch:130

Veggies :45

I am not proud of my lunch...I will work on it tommorow and try to subside my amount of calories.
But today subtracting my food to my work-out calories
Today I lost about 1,000 calories nearly 1/3 a pound!

Today, was a good day! Very good day!
I did 2 hours in all.
Thirty Mintutes on the eliptical:1102
Thirty Mintutes doing weights:240 calories(Not alot really)
53 mintutes:P90X:Plometrics:550 calories
Total: 1892
I can burn more by just doing An hour on the eliptical, but the other stuff helps my body become firm and strong, and soon I hope to be sexy! :)